Scope of Practice National Consultations

In 2023, NAATSIHWP secured funding through the Health Sector Strengthening Virtual Funding Pool administered by the National Indigenous Australians Agency to lead the delivery of a national consultation process to examine what standardised scopes of practice and harmonised drugs and poisons legislation for the professions should include and involve. This project directly responded to the actions identified under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan 2021-2031 (National Workforce Plan) and signified the beginning of a concerted national effort to embed minimum scopes of practice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Health Practitioners across the country.

From April to September 2024, we conducted a national consultation process involving:

  • 22 in-person yarns with members of the workforce and direct line managers from each state and territory
  • 6 online yarns
  • a national workforce survey and
  • supplementary workshops, meetings and surveys with stakeholders.

The findings from these consultations were included in a Final Report delivered in December 2024. The report included actionable government recommendations for whole-of-government consideration.

Click on the buttons below to learn more about the project.